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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Obama Drinking Game

HuffPost Comedy's State Of The Union Drinking Game 2010

NOTE: The Huffington Post in no way encourages binge drinking. This is the comedy section. If you actually drank as much as we suggested you would die, so do not do that.

Obama says "let me be clear"Do one shot
Obama says "change isn't easy"Do one shot
Obama says "make no mistake" Do one shot
Obama says "Let me be clear, change isn't easy, make no mistake."He's screwing with you to get you drunk, so five shots
Joe Wilson yells somethingDo two shots
Obama yells back Finish the bottle
Obama says "jobs"Do one shot, two if you're unemployed
Obama says "health care"Do not drink, you will not be given a replacement liver
Nancy Pelosi claps like a sealDo one shot
Nancy Pelosi becomes a sealSTOP DRINKING FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
Obama mentions Bo Put beer in your dog's water bowl
Michelle Obama wears a slinky dressGo immediately to the HuffPost Style page for close-ups
Joe Biden nods-off/laughs inappropriately/starts talking before the speech is overDo three shots
Obama uses the term "Congressional leadership"Do two shots carefully as all that laughing will make it difficult to swallow
Obama says he's "fighting for you"Do one shot, two if you believe him
Obama mentions HaitiText “Haiti” to the number 90999 and donate $10 to the Red Cross

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